Thursday, March 07, 2013

One more time...

March is here and with it came some more snow.  March snow storms are not unusual.  They deliver heavy wet snow and usually it melts quickly. This particular forecast has been very strange because every sort of winter weather has been predicted:  snow, rain, sleet, wet snow and accumulations from one to then inches.  So far we have had all of the above but the rain eradicated the accumulation.

Daylight savings time starts this weekend in the USA.  The days are getting longer and the angle of the sun is changing. We have had a lot of melting from the Blizzard of 2013 but there is still a lot of snow lurking about. The goldfinches continue to gather at the feeder every day.

Today was a perfect day to make soup and I did...a large pot of chicken minestrone. We are having company over the weekend and are hoping the weather will be good enough to get out and about. For now, it is still very wintry.  Is it still winter wherever you are?

Happy upcoming weekend,

and as always...

enjoy the day!


Lee Prairie Designs said...

Sorry about the snow...but love your picture!!!

Hugs, Carolyn

vivian said...

It was snowing here tonight. I dont know it any is accumulating as I havent looked outside in several hours. I thinks its supposed to be in the 40's here this weekend. so Im thinking not too wintery! (i hope!)
happy weekend Helen!