Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Listen to the mockingbird...

My dear friend the mockingbird started his song at 3:3o this morning. This is how I am feeling now.

No, he is not the bluebird of happiness. He is a lonely guy looking for a mate. Last year he treated us to operas from May to August. Please send thoughts this way that he finds a lady friend soon.

I am hoping to feel much happier later today, though the prospects seem questionable. It will be in the mid 90's today which is way above normal for us here in May. I refuse to turn on a/c in May and have resolved to stick it out with fans and the curtains drawn against the sun. Wish me luck!

Nevertheless, I am resolved to make the best of the day. I think I need more coffee, though. I hope that happiness will find you today, too.

As always, and in any weather,

enjoy the day!


Beth said...

You are made of tougher stuff than I am :-) It has been high 80's here in Indy for the last couple of days, so I succumbed to the air conditioner. My enthusiasm level plummets when I'm gently sweating in my own home :-)

We have a mockingbird in the neighborhood; he always makes me laugh when I hear him...but probably not if it was 3:30 in the morning!

Have a lovely day.


April said...

Happiness has founf me today by way of YOUR ART and YOR BLOG! Poor little bear...she could always Whack that Mockingbird with her spoon!