Tuesday, February 21, 2017

In the pink for Valentine's Day

After a very mild winter, we have been blessed with or bombed with snow.  It is to be expected. Snow is normal in February.   What is not normal is the 60 degree day before fifteen inches  snow the next day.

The dolls were all set to go to a doll club meeting when the weather turned inclement.  They were standing around waiting to be packed for travel in a nearby basket.  They never like to miss a photo op so they begged for a photo.

The Lonely Doll is there and a bunch of Edith Flack Ackley wannabees.  Edie makes a cameo appearance.  A pink bear and a ballet bunny decided to join the group, too.

Meanwhile, I still wear my safety pin and I ponder the every day happenings of the new reality I find myself. (I am fine but the world in general seems upside down.) There has been some creativity here and there-- but not a whole lot. How about you?   Did you make anything? Collect anything?  I did find a few things and maybe they will appear hear eventually!

Until then, 

hope your world is good --

enjoy your day!

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