Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Beautiful August day!

It is  beautiful mid-August day.

Unlike so many years, it is not hot and humid (for which I am grateful!). 

Summer is lazily slipping by and here in CT, school kids will be going back to school before Labor Day.  That seems unfair since the weather is at its best here in late August and early September.


We have taken our day trips and enjoyed  the better weather. 
How about you?

Here are some random photos from a trip
 to Cambridge New York...a charming town we love.

Some new little dolls have come to stay...

 and as always, I am making stuff and drawing!

Hope that this post finds you well 

and enjoying whatever season you are in!

As always,

enjoy the day!


vivian said...

Love summer... love fall... dread winter... look forward to spring! we still have lots of good days left to enjoy of summer and fall. Im thinking of hosting a pumpkin doll swap. what do you think?
I have to think about it a bit more. I have so many halloween things brewing in my head!
have a great day Helen and glad you had a happy birthday!

AngelMc said...

The summer here in Middle Mississippi has been amazingly cool (for MS) with lots of rain and cool breezes, has reminded me so much of my childhood. Now for snow!!!!

Partofyourstory said...

I love summer, but i'm more of an autumn girl (or fall as you probably say). Love your photos of Cambridge - i'm planning a visit to Cambridge, England nearer Christmas. Thanks for your comment on my blog, if your're ever in my area, call and say hello! xxx