Friday, May 16, 2014

Another visit to Vermont...

It was so nice this past weekend.  Good weather called to us and off we went to Vermont. The temperature was unusually warm and flowers and trees were blooming everywhere though ski trails still had snow on them.

There are two Vermont Country Store and we visited the original one in Weston.  We were there  early before the crowd rolled in and walked around the green.  (For those of you who don't live in New England, the green is the common spot in most towns where churches and meeting houses were established. It originated in England.)

As you can see, leaves are still not out on a lot of trees but we are getting there!  This building is located right off the green.

This is the actual green itself.

Of course, it would not be Vermont without  a moose of some sort.  This one has turned a bit green and it definitely goofy.  Inside?  The most delicious fudge for sale one could ever imagine!

In our yard the leaves are almost out on the trees, the birds are singing (sometimes too loudly in the middle of the night!) and a family of raccoons spent a few hours luring a child down from the neighbor's tree...right outside our kitchens window.

They tried "talking" and that didn't work so they stretched out and waited...

As it turned out, one of the adult raccoons finally went up and shooed the baby down the tree.  It was happily curled up sleeping and yawning.  It was totally entertainment to watch. Little kids are the same all over!

Now it is almost the weekend again.  Time has been flying!  Hope your time has been flying happily!

Until later,

as always,

enjoy the day!


vivian said...

Looks like you had a nice little side trip Helen! Im dying to go somewhere different and fun and relaxing! wont be happening this week as Im call for the next 7 days.. but soon.. I'll be soaking up some sun at the lake... soon... well, maybe. LOL!
have a great weekend my friend!

Simply Shelley said...

I love the store, I have shopped online, but to visit the actual store, what a treat. Its so beautiful in your part of the country. I would love to visit there someday. Who knows, maybe so :) Blessings friend

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