Monday, December 29, 2008

Santa precariously flying over the dam

Schooner at dock in Mystic

Mystic lighthouse

The Charles W. Morgan Whaling Ship

Picturesque Tugboat

Sixty degrees in December....

A weekend ago, we had a foot of snow fall. This weekend it was 60 degrees and the snow melted. We had a a lot of fog, too. We changed our travel plans and drove out from under the fog. Around here, we say "fog eats snow" and it did. These photos were taken in Mystic, CT, and in Putnam, CT. I love the Santa precariously dangling over the water! If you click on the photos, you can see larger versions.

The Charles W. Morgan is the last wooden whaler. It is really hard to imagine this magnificent boat in search of whales. In the summer, it is a schooner sailing out of Mystic Seaport. It is the only surviving wooden whale ship from the 1800s American fleet. My husband grew up a few blocks away from where the Morgan sat for years and years in disrepair. Mystic Seaport has undertaken its complete restoration.

It's hard to believe that Christmas is over. From a lovely family holiday celebration to the Vermont mountains to the seaport in Mystic...a wonderful weekend. In a few days, it will be another long weekend. In the meantime, I have much catching up to do around here, thank you notes to write, and other assorted chores.

Enjoy the day....and, hopefully, you can catch up, too!

1 comment:

Eileen said...

Maybe the kind of boat Hitty would have gone on.
I love the little red tugboat.

yep.. back to normal this week!