Just popping in here for a moment to update yesterday's excursion.
For the first time in all these years, we found ourselves shopping in a mall that was nearly empty, in stores with very few customers, in stores that looked like they had not been shopped in, and in stores that had very low inventories. Several stores in the mall were liquidating.
Some stores had not bothered to decorate. One of the biggest and oldest retail chains did not have a soul upstairs in their house wares and Christmas department, not even salespeople.
The only stores that were busy were the bookstores. People were sitting and reading books and magazines in the coffee shops---books and magazines that they were not intending to buy. We noticed that people leave those books and magazines on dirty tables in the cafes and just walk away. Take a note: you need to check for food stains and fingerprints before you purchase
Maybe people wait now for more sales or they shop in the big W and skip the strip malls? I didn't buy any gifts, but I bought a few more Christmas cards and some odds and ends.
It was a pleasant day but it didn't feel very much like Christmas past or even Christmas present.
Tomorrow I am heading for NYC. Haven't been to Radio City Music Hall in about 15 years and have been invited to see the Radio City Holiday/Christmas show. When I lived in NYC (a thousand years ago) it was $6 to see the Christmas show AND the movie. Tomorrow the tickets were$75 and I think we have not-so-great seats. Such is life.
Have a lovely weekend and I hope that I will be able to take some good photos tomorrow to show you next week!
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