Friday, October 10, 2014

Busier and more beautiful than expected...

October has arrived and it has been beautiful!

Time flies, doesn't it?  Right now the leaves are getting ready to peak as summer flowers still bloom in the window boxes.  Autumn clouds expose their gray underbellies and move swiftly with the wind and falling leaves.

For all the bad weather we get in New England, I have to give nature credit for a wonderful summer and fall. How nice for a change to be able to brag about the weather!

I was visited by some friends...and went to  felting class and made a shawl using the nuno felting method.

My freind Cristina Pacciani of Cri Cri Felts who lives in the the Netherland was here on a teaching tour and gifted me this incredible shawl that she made!

She was accompanied by another felt artist  Kristi Felts who gifted me the most loveable character she felted...who told me his name is Percival...

My friend Marty made this Frida plaque for me and gave me the wonderful book by Ishiuchi Miyako with extraordinary photos of Frida's possessions.

And last but not least...some dolls from the weekly art exchanges with my friend....

There were day trips, of course, but my favorite were in Mystic Seaport  in the rain!

How have you been?   Have you seen anything interesting...change of seasons, perhaps?  And now another weekend lies ahead!  Perhaps I will have something more to share from our travels. I am hoping from some interesting photos!   Until then,

as always.

enjoy the day!



Simply Shelley said...

Oh,you had much to share on this post. How exciting to meet blogging friends, and what wonderful gifts you received. Your weather there does sound lovely, we are still having much to warm days. I am so ready for some true Autumn temps, the kind that will make a big change in the colors of the leaves here, making it seems more as the season should be. Enjoy your travels dear friend, I'll look forward to your next post.....blessings

l.wilks11 said...

Its amazing just how creative felt making can be. I have never tried, but it certainly seems tempting to have a go. Lovely post.......xx