Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Where in the world is the real Winnie the Pooh?

Winnie the Pooh resides with his friends on Fifth Avenue at the New York City Public Library.  I dropped in to see him this past weekend and my heart went pitter-patter.

The children's literature display is directly  through the front door!  It is free but donations are always accepted.

We are talking the REAL and original Winnie the Pooh who inspired the books by A.A. Milne and the magnificent illustrations by E. H.  Shepard.  I was raised on this book and do not really enjoy or like the Disney illustrations... although it is wonderful that Disney introduced the characters and story to other generations.

Who is your favorite character?  I have always loved Eeyore best and Piglet almost as much as Eeyore.  Seeing them in person is really quite wonderful.


“It's snowing still," said Eeyore gloomily. 

"So it is." 

"And freezing." 

"Is it?" 

"Yes," said Eeyore. "However," he said, brightening up a little, "we haven't had an earthquake lately.”


NYC was a nice diversion in this very cold winter.  It's not as cold here as the Midwest but it has been really cold and snowy.  We are supposed to have a big storm here this week.  

Are you ready for Valentine's day?  I am!  Because it marks the halfway point through winter! And also because I love all the symbols and colors of the day!  But more on that later...another post coming up soon!

Until then,

As always,

enjoy the day!


Nichola said...

Lovely! Oh how I'd love to visit Pooh!

Simply Shelley said...

I love this post...thanks for sharing...I don't know that I will ever see them in person,but this is almost just as fun :) I too think the orignals are much sweeter than Disneys. Thank you again so much sweet friend for the package...it sure brighten my life a bit. I love everthing you sent me,and was so excited over the Gladys Taber pictures....the StillMeadow picture is wonderful....I love reading her books,and will read them over and over. Blessings