Friday, December 06, 2013

Baby, it's cold out there!

My friends in the Midwest tell me about plummeting temps! My friends in the UK and Europe have just come through a nasty storm.  Yes, winter is busy in some hemispheres!  It's okay here right now...almost on the side of warm. Next week will tell a different story.

Thanksgiving was quiet around here. Mr. Dollzandthingz was recuperating from surgery and all went well. We watched a lot of movies that week. We are film buffs, especially films of the Gold Age of Hollywood.  Watching old movies and taking naps...not a bad way to recuperate.  I have so many favorites having been a film buff since childhood.  My favorite Christmas movie? Old one:  "the Bishop's Wife" with Cary Grant and Loretta Young.  Newer one:  "The Christmas Story."  Do you have a favorite holiday film?

Making stuff and art almost daily.  Here's a pop up card I made after I made dolls, drawings and atc cards out of my original figure.

When you are young you cannot wait for Christmas...when you are a young mother you end up frazzled!  As one ages, Christmas seems less frenetic and the mind wanders to Christmas past.  It can be a bitter sweet time, a joyful time, a blessed time, a frivolous time..all at once.   Christmas celebration can be a time of good will and a time of giving.

Hope that you are enjoying the month of December as we work our way towards Christmas, Kwanzaa, and the New Year. Stay well, stay warm!  I am hoping to stay creative...and to keep Christmas spirit as long as I can!

As always,

enjoy the day!


Anne said...

My very favourite holiday film is White Christmas. I love it and have to watch it at least once every Christmas period.

Vintage Fairy Tales Rebecka said...

December is great so far with lots of creative work and inspiration in da house.
We had a terrible storm this week and now there are small snowflakes in the air....
Lots of love

Anonymous said...

Helen, we share a favorite movie. I love The Bishop's Wife too. Just last night I was looking it up on my Roku, to see if I could stream it. I like the old and the newer versions of it.

It is very cold here too. Not as cold as some places, but for us, it is cold.

My best wishes to you and to your husband. I'm so glad he is doing well after his surgery.


Beth said...

Merry Christmas to you, Helen! It is good to hear that your husband is recuperating well.

My favorite Christmas movie is "Its a Wonderful Life." I've always loved Jimmy Stewart :-) It turned to a winter wonderland here overnight with the storm that came through on Thursday night.

Here's hoping we all keep Christmas in our hearts all year long. Take care,


Simply Shelley said...

My favorite Christmas movie of all time is "Its a Wonderful Life" Some of the family gets together every year during the Christmas season to watch it ...mostly the girls and younger kiddos :) Our guys think its boring. I love the pop up card you creative. Christmas blessings to you and Mr. DollzandThingz. Its been cold here for the past week....much colder than what we are used to,but it makes it feel more like Christmas to me.

paris parfait said...

Glad to hear the Mr. is recovering and feeling better! This has been quite the year for husbands w/ health woes, eh? Let's hope 2014 is a big improvement for us all.