Thursday, September 26, 2013

Autumn in Connecticut...

As autumn progresses, with its own unique beauty, it is a season of change that I welcome.  The colors of the season are so beautiful... and the weather is some of the best of the year!

We have been going to soccer with the grands for nine years but this year we have a new sport to attend...crew!  Our grand-daughter is on a crew team and I must say we loved our first regatta!

Autumn harvest are spectacular this year!  The bright sunny days of August and September have been quite wonderful compared to other years of super humidity and high temperatures. We ate the best produce ever this summer.  And now?  The fruits of autumn are with us!  These photos were taken at one of our favorite places, Staehly Farms.

The Connecticut shoreline is always at its finest in early fall. Bright blue skies, cool breezes and sparkly water views call to us.  As a bonus, the shoreline is less crowded as far less summer visitors fill the streets... the mood is more relaxed.This is a marina in Mystic, CT, where we observed the train bridge swing around to let the high masted boats get through.

I leave you with this quote:

"Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, 
summer an oil painting, and autumn 
 a mosaic of them all. " ~ Stanley Horowitz.

Enjoy the season...and and as always, 

enjoy the day!


Lee Prairie Designs said...

Thank you for the delightful tour and wonderful watercolor and saying.

You have a great weekend, too!

Hugs, Carolyn

Lisa said...

Oh! How I miss Connecticut in the fall! Thank you for sharing those beautiful pics. :)

vivian said...

I love fall too Helen. all the beautiful colors.. and the pumpkins.. omg.. I just love them!
the trees are just starting to to change a little here. I look forward to seeing them in all their glory shortly.. but then I hate saying good bye to fall... such is life though when we live in this section of the country!
have a great weekend

Vintage Fairy Tales Rebecka said...

Autumn seems to be more romantic in your hoods of the world, around here autumn means more wind and..... darkness!

Guess what arrived in the mail yesterday!?
The most lovely enchanting collection of fabrics, just in my style, LOVE THEM ALL!
THANK YOU Dearest Helen for sending them to me, it made my day to open the package from YOU, with the little wonderful "Helen drawing" as an extra bonus.
I will find something for you to send in return and to show my huge appreciation for you thinking of me<3
Have a great romantic autumn weekend

Simply Shelley said...

I can just imagine how very beautiful it really is there this time of the year....I hope one to visit that corner of our country. I am always glad to enjoy seeing the wonderful pictures that you post...I did not know what crew was, but the picture told the story...I bet,that is fun watching. Yes,I am having a bit of fun with my little Hitty and you are right...she is trying to tell me her name....I will let you know when she does :) Blessings friend

Christine LeFever said...

Very beautiful. Autumn is my all time favorite.

paris parfait said...

Autumn looks gorgeous in your environs! Thanks for this peek into the beauties of my fave season!