Thursday, April 25, 2013

From dolls to donkeys...

Once upon a time, there was burro named Pancho in my life. He was a real burro that my family owned.  Since then, I have been smitten with burros/donkeys.

Over the years they have sneaked into my collections of stuff...

caused me to stop and photograph them....

 inspired me to make them from time to time...

 and to draw them frequently...

Needless to say, the original Eeyore from the original book was a favorite of mine back in the day... though his gloominess was not necessarily my cup of tea. (I do not like the cartoon movie version of Eeyore at all. ) 

Do you have a farm animal that you have loved since childhood?   One that has persisted into adulthood?   Those who read this blog know that I am obsessed with  the Belted Galloway cow, but that didn't happen until a few years ago.

Now that the weather is starting to get warmer here in New England, I have seen several donkeys lately...and they always make me smile. When I think of Pancho, I smile, too.   We all need something to smile about, don't we? 

As always,


and enjoy the day!


Simply Shelley said...

One made me lol not long ago. I was with my daughter Kathy in her truck,when we saw this little Yorkie dog almost get ran over out on a busy highway. My daughter couldn't have that so she went on the chase to rescue this dog. The little thing was shared to death and ran into a nearby pasture. In this pasture was a small donkey resting peacefully. When he spotted the little dog he got up and started after him. We were hollering run puppy,but once the puppy got clear of the donkey...we started lol It really was a very funny sight. Anyhow,after much efforts my daughter caught the little dog and called the number on its tag...he got picked up and returned to his and sound :) I loved seeing all your cute burro's ....blessings

DollZandThingZ said...

Shelley! What a great story!!

Vintage Fairy Tales Rebecka said...

Like we say in The Vintage Fairy Tales;
"donkey is the new black" :)
Have a great weekend Helen!
Much love

paris parfait said...

So cute - your drawings are great! In Jordan, the donkeys go up steep mountain trails as though it's nothing. I've never had the nerve to ride one on one of those trails - just walking/climbing them is challenge enough.