Sunday, May 05, 2013

Beautiful, beautiful May!

Having a quiet cuppa tea to join me?


May has started out beautifully here.  We are having an old fashioned cool spring and although blossoming is late, it is extraordinary!  Everything is blooming here at once. Our lilacs smell heavenly and winter has been magically erased from recent memory.

We had to visit our favorite garden center to order a deck cleaning product and I observed that the gnome population has changed locations from a few weeks ago when we were there.  They seem to be up for adoption but Mr. DollzandThingZ says they might be disappear from our yard ...and not by their own we didn't bring any home with us.

The drawings: once I started little drawings,  I couldn't  seem to stop...had to go out and buy small portfolios to keep all the drawings in.If I keep drawing  I will have 365 little drawings at the end of the year.

I will leave you with some of my little "gnomies"  that I reduced in size for a small diorama for a friend's birthday.

The tea cup is empty!  Back to work here!  I am busy this afternoon switching out my winter clothes and spring wardrobe...which is necessary in New England... where the temperature can be Arctic in winter... and six months later be tropical!

Wishing you seasonal happiness...

 and as always,

enjoy the day!

1 comment:

vivian said...

I cant wait to get out and buy flowers and plants and especially new plants to redo my little fairy garden! but its still too early here.. too cold at night.. another couple weeks... there are other things I should be doing out there before I start planting anyways....
just not a big fan of yard work.
I LOVE your little gnome shadow box. very very sweet!
have a lovely day Helen!