Saturday, January 03, 2009

Two buildings....

Took these photos yesterday in the area of NY around Amenia. One building was pristine and huge against the snowy hill. The other has seen better times. The snow was just enough to be pretty.

This study in contrast seems to be symbolic of our times.

On another note, does Christmas seem really distant to you? It seems like so long ago to me. Have you purged your home of decorations yet? How about that tree? Do you celebrate Kwanzaa? Three King's Day? Today in New England there are Boar's Head festivities in many churches.

Enjoy your day! This holiday weekend is the last one for a long time!

1 comment:

Sharon/primthyme said...

I love your Yorkie !! I have 2 sister Yorkies. How did you get the hair at face to go up in barrette ? I tried but can't keep it out of eyes til it gets long enough.
Prim Hugs & Blessings ,