Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Birdhouses that I made displayed in a formal setting


We woke up this morning to an ongoing ice storm.

My husband is out scraping the car and it will be quite a while before he can actually get into the car and begin his long commute. This time of year he leaves in the dark. The past few days, he has been coming home in the daylight. From now on out, it will be lighter in the afternoon and that means we have turned the corner with winter darkness in New England.

I wanted to share these two photos. (Click on the photos to make them larger.) The top one is a photo of birdhouses that I made that were displayed in a formal setting. What a great display! It was not taken at my own home but at a party I attended. I have a commission to make another village for next year.

The bottom photo is of a tiny burro I just purchased over the weekend. I put the spool of thread in the photo to show the scale. I have seen him for a few years in a shop and he went on sale! I couldn't leave him behind. I named him Pancho after a burro that my family owned when I was twelve. Now I want to collect more of these tiny animals. This one was meant to be an ornament. You can see the cord for hanging up in red.

I received a little award from Primthymes. I think I am supposed to pass it on to others whose blogs I am grateful for. I think I will pass it along to every blogger who reads this and every blog I read. Blogging takings time, thought, dedication and imagination. My hat is off to those who peruse and persist with content and visual treats. And I am most grateful for readers! Thanks, Primthymes!

I adore winter but could do without ice storms. Hopefully, it will warm up and turn to rain. Though we didn't suffer any damage in our immediate area, other parts of CT and New England had tremendous amounts of damage in the storm last month. School has been canceled here so at least school buses are off the road during the high traffic commuting hours.

Whatever your weather, stay safe and enjoy your day!


Lena said...

We are having very stormy weather here. It was very windy for the last couple of days, and the rain is coming down in buckets. Unfortunately, it is causing a lot of flooding, and avalanches in our mountains, so I hope it stops soon.

I love your little burro. I have a photograph of me on a similar fellow, from when I was small. Your birdhouses are really nice. Boy Helen, you've made a great many very fine things over the years!

Eileen said...

That pin cushion looks VERY familiar!!!