Monday, December 22, 2008

Santa by Mary

Black Cat by Mary

Becassine by Mary

Remembering Mary

My dear Internet friend, Mary Vlasak, passed away last year in Australia on December 23. For eight years we had corresponded daily and often more than that. Over the years we exchanged gifts and she gifted me many special dolls. She was a porcelain, cloth and polymer doll artist and she was a true delight to know. You can see something else she made here. She had many friends that she made on the Internet she was fond of, and she touched many doll makers.

At the holidays, we celebrate great joy, but we also remember those who have left us. I am sure everyone who reads this has known these feelings. There can be a bittersweet quality to these feelings. We each feel them in our own way.

Today, I celebrate my friendship with Mary and her inspiration. Mary was not one for ever feeling sad. She had a terminal illness for more than a decade....and she never complained. Her darling husband died not long before she did. They were married for fifty years and they had a most creative and interesting life. Ollie was a joy, too.

Smiling but sad, I remember Mary.

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