All in a day.....from the sublime to the ridiculous
Wintry conditions prevailed over the weekend. The wind was brisk and the wind chill was in the 20's. The leaves are completely off the trees and the geography takes on a subtle look which I love. The shades of wheat, teal, gray and combined with silver skies can be striking and restful and one can see much which cannot be observed in other seasons.
Imagine coming out of the woods and seeing life sized dinosaurs dressed for Christmas? There is an amazing dinosaur themed park out in the country. The big guy in the parking lot wears shades and carries a cola can in other seasons. Kids love him of course!
Everywhere one looks there are stone walls in New England. You can find them miles out in the woods. I wonder about the people who carried the stones and created the walls. All traces of their lives are gone but the beautiful walls remain.
The large waterfall is at Devil's Hopyard. This was a fave of mine in childhood. Why the name? You can read about it here. The smaller waterfall with the wall is just one of many ruins of mills that are abundant out on country roads which parallel running water.
And how about a tree that looks like a fireplace? It is the size of a fireplace, too. Or a rock that someone has painted a colonial flag upon?
So, there you have it! Enjoy your day!
I have to say.. you never see anything like that in Ohio. :-)
Hia Helen, thanks for the support. I am so glad the whole thieving site has been taken down. :-)
Beautiful pics- the waterfall is gorgeous.
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